Planning, Conducting and Recording a Meeting

Hi Students! Welcome.

This another chapter of Tita Leyn Teaches, and now we will be discussing about Planning, Conducting and Recording a Meeting.


What is a Meeting?

Based on Merriam Webster MEETING is an act or process of coming together: such as an assembly for a common purpose.

Meetings may be formal or informal, but they must have a purpose. It can be the purpose of it is to create an action plan, share information, gain knowledge or inform people about an announcement whether it is a Positive message or Negative message  . The meeting’s objectives and the number and type of participants will determine the necessary formality, as well as how successfully the meeting will be accomplishing its purpose.

TYPES OF MEETING (based on BOMI International)

  • Routine Meetings- are scheduled discussion and planning meetings. They are usually not impromptu, but they are typically informal. They may be monthly progress reports and discussions, project reviews, or comprehensive updates. Regardless, they must be organized and have a certain agenda to be productive. (This type of meeting is very important in business. in this way the different departments and employees will be able to know the status of the company, whether they should improve something or they will commend their work. It is also the best time for suggestions.)
  • Information-Sharing Meeting- are conducted to disseminate information. They may be coaching or training sessions and seminars. Common information-sharing meetings include: coaching, seminars, workshops and training sessions. (Usually there is one speaker that will give the audience a talk and share information about a certain topic.)
  • Action-Oriented Meetings- need to have more than a single purpose and must go beyond planning. They must utilize purpose statements and work plans for accomplishing the discussed objective.(Mostly this type of meeting is conducted when your company is facing a crisis. This is the time that employees unite and think of an action to the problem.)
  • Planning and Conducting Meetings- Meeting planners should develop an agenda to which the group adheres. The agenda should provide topics for discussion, who will deliver them, and have time allotted for each presentation; the agenda should also state the purpose and intent of the meeting. (It is usually a meeting to conduct a strategic plans. Meeting for a purposive meeting.) 
(source: )



The Ingredients of an Effective Meeting Strategy (by Rob Lennon)

The success of any business meeting is as much about what you do before the meeting as it is about the preparation of the meeting.
That’s why you need an effective meeting strategy before you send out any invites.

1. Establishing an Objective and Purpose
- It is important that before conducting a meeting you know what is your objective and purpose. The meeting will be meaningless and unproductive if these thing aren't stated clearly. Make sure that it is included and highlighted from the introduction. And also in this part take time to know what should your audience get and should accomplish after the meeting.

2. Creating and Circulating the Meeting Agenda
- Since you already have your objectives and purpose, now you need to have a meeting details. And those details should be exact. You should lay out the following:
-The objective of the meeting.
-What topics should be covered, in what order, and for how long.
-Who will be included in the meeting.
-Where and when the meeting will be.

You can create consistency by setting up shareable meeting note templates to serve as your agenda’s starting point for each meeting.
Circulate the agenda to meeting participants as soon as you can. But don’t just send the agenda and be done with it. Lay out what (if anything) everyone needs to do to be prepared for the meeting.
Solicit feedback and find out if any topic is missing. This will give your participants more ownership of the meeting (a good thing) and it’ll reveal challenges that must be addressed.
At this point, you can also share the agenda with anyone who can’t make the meeting so they can be kept in the loop.

3. Nailing the Logistics

- START YOUR MEETING ON TIME.That means any equipment you need is set up, seating is figured out, and anyone who needs to call in can do so easily. I know we, Filipinos have this "Filipino Time" that means we will give atleast 5-15 minutes grace period before starting the meeting instead following the stated time.
The last thing you want is a room full of impatient people watching over your shoulder as you try to figure out how to share your screen.

Create your own meeting logistics checklist so you don’t miss anything. Include the ff:
- Food (catering or refreshments). Tip: In every meeting water and something sweet should be served. 
-Any materials needed for the meeting- copy of meeting and topic information should be distributed to the participants.
Technology set-up requirements.- for example monitors that you will be using in your presentation.
-Seating arrangements and room setup-  it is important to have a seating arrangement so that the meeting will be well organized. Take note as well the ambiance of the room that you will be using, make it light.

(Make sure to follow your time and calculate how many minutes or hours does the meeting will consume. Avoid having  overtime meetings. REMEMBER THAT IN BUSINESS TIME IS VERY IMPORTANT.)

It is also important to create a meeting rules. The do's and don'ts at the meeting (if necessary and it depends on what type of meeting are you conducting. For example Information-Sharing Meeting tell your participants when they should ask question so they won't interrupt the speaker.

(source: )



Tips for Effective Participation (by Ian Meckenzie)

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  • Attend your meeting. Make sure to attend the meeting that is asked for you to attend. Whether you think it is important or not, mosty when you are starting to the company. Those meetings will help you cope up with not just only in the company's agenda but to your co-employees as well. 
  • Get There On time. Punctuality is very important when it comes to an attitude of an employee. In business time is very important.
  • Be prepared with your contribution. Don't be just a listener, make sure to contribute on the meeting by asking question or giving suggestions.
  • Pay attention. Make sure that  you are following what the speaker is saying. Every words are important.
  • Get involved in the discussion. If you need clarification on your mind about the meeting don't hesitate to ask. It's like contributing in the meeting you should get yourself involved.
  •  Be courteous. You’re not likely to agree with everything said at a meeting. Never interrupt anyone – even if you disagree strongly. Be mindful on when you should ask questions or give your opinions.



These are the things you should include on the MINUTES OF THE MEETING

  • Names of the Participants. Mostly the names of the presidents, CEO, managers who attends the meeting and of course don't forget the speaker.
  • Agenda. One of the most important things you should include on your notes id the objective/s f the meeting.
  • Calendar or dates. Make sure to take notes all the dates that is stated on the meetings. Numbers are very important.
  • Actions and Tasks. Summarize the actions plans and the topics on your memo.
  • Main Points. Since you include the objects make sure to gather all the important information on the meeting. 
  • Opinions of the Participants. Participants will mostly ask question, include those on your notes.
  • Future decisions. If there will be.
  • Documents: images, attached files. Make sure to capture some pictures within the meeting. It will be your proof.

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And I hope you learn something today! :)

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  1. Meeting up has been part of our lives not just in work but also in school and in the family. There are 4 different types of meeting to have an effective discussion towards other people. As an organizer or participant, all you have to do is participate, listen carefully, take down notes, and most importantly to focus with the topic that you were tackling about. Minutes of the meeting should also be included to the main points to be clarified.


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