Email and Web Writing

Hi Students! Welcome.

In today's episode of Tita Leyn Teaches, we will discuss everything about Email and Web Writing.
Technology, electronics and internet is an essential to all the people nowadays. Business is also coping up with this trend, that's why some transactions are made virtually. One best example of this is when you are applying for a job, instead of going to the company's site to pass your application letter and resume, you can send it thru email directly to their HR department or to their recruitment team. Less effort and less hassle!



This is intended to help students learn to use email more effectively. It can help you determine whether email is the best mode of communication in a particular situation and write messages that successfully convey your meaning to your intended audience.

Although email is a valuable tool, it creates some challenges for writers. Miscommunication can easily occur when people have different expectations about the messages that they send and receive. Email is used for many different purposes, including contacting friends, communicating with professors and supervisors, requesting information, and applying for jobs, internships, and scholarships. Depending on your purposes, the messages you send will differ in their formality, intended audience, and desired outcomes.

When is email the appropriate form of communication to use? (THE TIME THAT YOU SHOULD USE EMAIL)   ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

  • You need to get in touch with a person who is hard to reach via telephone, does not come to campus regularly, or is not located in the same part of the country or world.

  • The information you want to share is not time-sensitive. (IF THE MESSAGE THAT YOU WILL SEND IS NOT URGENTLY NEEDED TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED. Tip: Make sure that you will send an email as early as possible because not everyone checks their email frequently.)

  • You need to send someone an electronic file, such as a document for a course, a spreadsheet full of data, or a rough draft of your paper. (MOSTLY THE REASON WHY PEOPLE USE EMAIL IN SENDING FILES IS TO SAVE EFFORT IN CONVERTING A DRAFT FROM SOFT COPY TO HARD COPY. ALSO TO SAVE PAPER!)

  • You need to distribute information to a large number of people quickly (for example, a memo that needs to be sent to the entire office staff).

  • You need a written record of the communication. Saving important emails can be helpful if you need to refer back to what someone said in an earlier message, provide some kind of proof (for example, proof that you have paid for a service or product), or review the content of an important meeting or memo.

When is email NOT an appropriate form of communication to use?

Emoji Funny GIF - Emoji Funny GIFs
  • Your message is long and complicated or requires additional discussion that would best be accomplished face-to-face.
  • The information is highly confidential. (EMAIL is never PRIVATE)
  • Your message is emotionally charged or the tone of the message could be easily misconstrued.(DONT EVER SEND A LOVE LETTER USING EMAIL. IM TELLING YOU. EMAIL HAS NEUTRAL FEELINGS.)
  • Major negatives, such as firing someone should be delivered in person, not by e-mail.

(Tip: Also know your AUDIENCE WELL and the reason why you are sending an email. So that you can be sensitive on how formal you will create the email.)

How to Format a Business Email


  • Guide Words- Consider keying receiver’s full name with angle brackets. 

To: Ann Jones<> 
From: Entered automatically 
Subject: Meaningful topic summary 
Cc: Receiver of copy Attached: 

  • Always include the name at the salutation
  • Body - Cover just one topic. Use uppercase and lowercase letters. Use short line length if message might be forwarded.
  • Closing- Consider a complimentary closing such as Best or Cheers.  Include your name and full contact identification– especially for messages to outsiders
  • Top and Bottom Margins- On plain paper set 1-inch top and bottom margins.  If desired, type the company name 1 inch from the top. A double-space below the company name, type heading “Memo” or “Memorandum.” 
  • Side Margins and Spacing- Set left and right margins of 1.25 inches. Single-space the body. 



What Is a Formal Email?
- A formal email is typically sent to someone you don't know well or to someone who's in authority.

Informal versus Formal Email: What's the Difference?
A formal email differs from a informal/casual email. A informal email usually goes to a person you know well—often it's someone you're on good terms with such as a friend or family member. 

In fact, part of what makes a formal email different from a casual email is the structure.

You also use language differently in a formal email than in a casual email. Avoid using abbreviations, contractions, slang, emoticons, and other informal terminology.( EXAMPLE INSTEAD OF USING THE WORD "I WANNA" MAKE IT AS "I WANT TO") The tone of a formal email is different as well. Proper and correct grammar is monitored in a formal email.

Here's an example of formal email language:
"The meeting is scheduled for December 5th at 9:30 a.m. All students must attend. Your project updates are needed."
Compare the formal language with the informal email language in this email:
"Required meeting—Dec 5, 9:30 a.m. Updates needed. See ya there.  :)"
If you're sending the email to a group, address the entire group. Here's an example:
Dear Students,
If you've got the person's name you want to send the email too, it's proper to use their name along with any title the person has. Here's a sample formal salutation for an individual:
Dear Professor Smith,
If you don't know the name of the person you're trying to reach, you should make every effort to discover that information. As a last resort, it's okay (but less effective) to address the email to the title of the person you hope to reach. Here's an example of a formal salutation without a name:
Dear Human Resources Director,
In rare instances where you don't know a person's name or title, it's okay to use this salutation:
To whom it may concern,
Here is a chart that might help you to construct and differentiate Inform from Formal.

 Differences between Formal vs. Informal Letters - ESLBuzz Learning ...

_______E N D _______

Quite long right? Oh drink muna ng water then hinga.


Have you learned something from this topic? If  yes, that's great!



  1. Email is important nowadays because the technology takes over. I learned from this blog that when writing an email, it should be in a professional words not just those words that we use every day whether it is a formal or an informal email. The style of message especially the margins and spacing is important in this.


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