Oral Presentation

Hi students! Welcome.

In today's chapter of Tita Leyn Teaches I will teach you how to be confident and be prepared on your Oral Presentation or Public Speaking, This is quite exciting for me because in this part we will focus on building your confidence and self-esteem and help you conquer your stage fright. 

Are you ready?

Let's Start!

In tourism and hospitality industry being confident in speaking in-front of many people is a must skill. Each day you will encounter different people with different personality and for you to build a connection with them is by having verbal communication with those people, so are ready for this? If not just continue reading this post.This topic will be a good chance for you to build your confidence in speaking and how will you compose and construct your thoughts inside you. 

Before we start I want you to watch this video and I want you to take down notes on every tips the video will provide. And I want you to answer these questions:
1. What do you call a person who has fear of speaking publicly?
2. What are the three P's that is discussed in the video?
3. What should you not eat before speaking in public?


What is Oral Presentation or Public Speaking?

-According to Grand Valley University in Michigan Oral Presentation is more than just reading a paper or set of slides to an audience. How you deliver your presentation is at least as important in effectively communicating your message as what you say. 


1. Speeches that inform- explain, report, describe, clarify, define and demonstrate.  Such speeches can move an audience to action or belief.  Their primary purpose is to present facts, details, and examples. (The main goal is to inform your audience the message you want to convey whether it is Positive or Negative Message)

2. Speeches that persuade- are designed to convince and the goal is to influence the audience’s beliefs or attitudes.  This can be accomplished by using your own credibility to strengthen your argument.  Or you can appeal to your audience’s emotions, reason, or sense of right and wrong. (Main goal is to influence your audience about your perception in a certain topic. )

3. Speeches that entertain- use humor to influence an audience as in an after dinner speech.  Once the audience is warmed up, one main idea is presented, still on a light note.  Note: This is the most difficult of all presentations because it requires great ease and elegance and depends to a large degree on the charisma of the speaker. ( Goal is to entertain your audience. All you need to do is to keep your audience alive, that's why it is important to reach out out to or interact with your audience.)

*The three types often overlap.  Therefore, it is important to isolate and understand the primary purpose of your talk before you start preparation


An effective presentation is more than just standing up and giving information. A presenter must consider how best to communicate the information to the audience. 

These are the things you should take note before and during your presentation:
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  • Organize your thoughts. Make sure that everything is in order from introduction to conclusin. make everything clear and focus on one topic at a time.
  • Have a strong opening. First impression lasts, so as early as your introduction give them a reason to listen to your speech. 
  • Finish with a bang. It doesn't mean that you need a party popper at the end of your speech. Make sure that to conclude or sum up your whole topic very well at the end. You can end it with an inspirational quote or something that they will remember you.
  • Make use of a Visual Aids. Your audience also wants to visualize all the things that you will say.
  • Time yourself. Avoid having overtime in your presentation. So make your presentation short but precise.
  • Create effective notes for yourself. It's okay to have notes but avoid reading it time by time. You suppose to talk with your audience and not to the paper.
  • Dress appropriately. Make sure to wear decent clothes such as corporate attire (or it depends on your topic, setting or purpose of the meeting). Don't wear distracting clothes, the audience should focus on what will you say.
  • When you're using podium. Do not put your hands on it.  Your hands need to be free to handle your notes and to gesture. Don’t lean on it.  Podiums tend to make a speaker relax and the tendency is to get sloppy in posture.  A weak posture makes you appear less confident to your audience. Check podium height.  If you are short you may need a small riser to stand on. 
  • Relax and slow down. If you feel nervous just breath 3 times. And always manage and control your speed in speaking. Some people who is nervous in speaking in front speaks too fast. 
  • Practice, practice, practice. Make sure that before you present you practice. (Tip: Get a mirror and try to speak in front of it. So in that way you can see yourself on how you look while presenting. You can also video yourself. But I suggest to do the mirror thing.)

These are the tips on creating an effective power point presentation (Visual Aid)

  • Use a large font. As a general rule, avoid text smaller than 24 point.
  • Use a clean font. Sans serif typefaces, such as Arial, are generally easier to read on a screen than serif typefaces, such as Times New Roman. (Avoid making the text fancy, the goal is to make it readable)
  • Use bullet points, not complete sentences. The text on your slide provides an outline to what you are saying. If the entire text of your presentation is on your slides, there is no reason for the audience to listen to you. A common standard is the 6/7 rule: no more than six bulleted items per slide and no more than seven words per item.
  • Use contrasting colors. Use a dark text on a light background or a light text on a dark background. Avoid combinations of colors that look similar. Avoid red/green combinations, as this is the most common form of color blindness.
  • Use special effects sparingly. Using animations, cool transition effects, sounds and other special effects is an effective way to make sure the audience notices your slides. 

Know your Audience

How you address your audience will depend greatly on whom you are addressing.  
Superiors: When addressing superiors, suggest rather than lecture or dictate.  Back everything said with facts.
Peers: When talking with peers, share information.  Draw them into the presentation and ask them to share their expertise and experiences.  You will be more successful if you admit to your own human foibles and show that you are slightly vulnerable.
Team Members: To team members relate facts through examples.  Make sure you use “we” language.  Share success with team members, and accept blame when necessary.
Special Interest Groups:  Focus your presentation around the concerns of this particular group.  Relate to them by persuading.
Mixed Groups: If the group is a mixture of team members and peers, you will need to use a combination of presentation techniques in order to reach everyone.  Capture attention in the first few minutes by using examples each group can relate to.
A speaker connects with those in her audience by learning the similarities within the group.  Factors to study include: gender mix,  age range, occupation, professional expertise, educational background, ethnic/religion mix, family life, hobbies, moral values, upbringing, political beliefs, and attitudes.  This is not an exhaustive list but some major factors that can impact the development of your speech.  You should also know if any special guests will be among those in the audience, any high-ranking church or government officials or local celebrities.  You might want to extend a special welcome.
 Now that you understand your audience, you can begin developing your speech.

*If your audience asks question in the middle of your presentation, finish first your topic. And then answer the question. Make sure to answer one at a time and answer questions that is relevant to your topic. If incase your audience ask question that you think you will tackle next, just tell him "Okay, Ill get back to you because that will be our next topic. Thank you for asking." Always thank your audience after asking question because it means they are participating. Better if you set rules that audience can ask questions after every topic that you will discuss. 

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  1. There are a lot of things that needs to consider while doing an oral presentation of public speaking especially in tourism and hospitality industry because it requires to speak with other people professionally and confidently. Glossophobia is the fear of speaking in public. Prepare, posture and physicality, and pander to your audience are the three p’s. You should not eat large meals and dairy products before speaking in public.

  2. Public speaking is the process of communicating information to an audience. It is usually done before a large audience, like in school, the workplace and even in our personal lives.Public speaking can be terrifying if you don’t have the qualities or the eloquence to inspire. If your speaking skills are not on par chances are that your presentation will not effectively relay your message.


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