Negative Message

Hello students! Welcome.

In today's episode of Tita Leyn Teaches we will continue to tackle about the different types of Messages in Business Communication.  ... Let's start!

Our second topic is all about Negative Messages.


It is also called an Indirect message or a Bad news message. Bad-news messages include rejections (in response to job applications, promotion requests, and the like), negative evaluations, and announcements of policy changes that don't benefit the reader.



  • Rejections and refusals. 
  •  Announcements of policy changes that do not benefit customers or consumers
  • Requests the reader will see as insulting or intrusive. 
  • Negative performance appraisals and disciplinary notices. 
  • Product recalls or notices of defects. 


  • When you write to superiors, you need to propose solutions, not just report a problem.
  • When you write to peers and subordinates, try to get their input in dealing with negative situations. 
  • If an employee is disciplined by being laid off without pay, specify when the employee is to return. 
  • Performance appraisals will be persuasive when they are designed to help a basically good employee improve. But when an employee violates a company rule or fails to improve after repeated appraisals, the company may discipline the employee or build a dossier to support firing him or her. 


1. THE OPENING. In this section, you will address the audience. The audience may be a single customer, an employee, the community, customers, or even the general public. The purpose of the opening is to explain the reason for the communication.

2. THE MESSAGE. This component delivers the bad news and addresses the issue head-on.

3. THE SUPPORT. When supporting the bad news, additional information is presented to explain why a decision was made or how the bad news affects the recipient(s) of the message.

4. THE ALTERNATIVES. When presenting bad news, it helps to soften the message by offering options or alternatives. This shows understanding for the frustration or inconvenience the recipient may experience because of the situation.

5. THE CLOSE. When ending the message, an affirmative tone is offered to end the message positively.

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Did you learn something today? If yes, that's great!

Comment down below your takeaways about this topic. Feel free also to ask questions.


  1. Negative Messages is not all about bringing others down because that negative messages can turn to a positive side that negative message that you send or receive is telling and also your self that you have something wrong that you need to get it right thats why you know might judge other for what they are.

  2. Negative messages exist for the people to be aware with the truth even though it is not good news. In short, it is an eye opener. Receiving negative messages does not mean you lose because there are solutions in every problem. In writing negative message, it has to be precise and to be written it in a professional way.


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